File vault

When an application enables storage, collection and sharing of sensitive files, its users trust it as a vault to ensure the best security on those files.

Integrating end-to-end encryption with Seald on files in your application ensures that those files will only be decryptable by authorized users, even you will not be able to decrypt them.

Furthermore, it is possible to guarantee that the users won't lose access to their data, while ensuring that only they will be able to decrypt it.

A solution certified by

Seald, a certified solution for peace of mind

Groups management

Seald allows encryption for groups, post modification of members with automatic history re-encryption for new members.


With Seald, users will always have access to their data without having to keep a backup password, while ensuring that only they can decrypt their data.

Embedded security

By performing client-side encryption operations, Seald secures data by design in your application.

Do you want to secure
a file vault?

Quickly integrate encryption into your applications with Seald SDKs. You don't need skills in cryptography to integrate them.

import SealdSDK from '@seald-io/sdk'

// Initialize the SDK
const seald = SealdSDK({ apiURL, appId })
// Create your Seald identity
await seald.initiateIdentity({ signupJWT })
// Encrypt a message for another user
const encryptedMessage = await seald.encryptMessage(
  'Super secret message',
   { userIds: ['BOB_002'] }

// And *voilà*!
const message = await seald.decryptMessage(encryptedMessage)