Collaborative work platform

Collaborative work platforms are at the heart of business activity. They are used to exchange for example data and technical, financial, HR and personal documents.

These applications are faced with a double challenge:

  • guarantee a total confidentiality of the data they are entrusted with;
  • meet the varying imperatives of their customers according to their specific regulatory constraints.

Seald allows you to integrate data security into your application that meets the strictest requirements with end-to-end encryption.

  • ANSSI security visa
  • Data confidentiality ensured by design
  • Quick integration with no cryptography skills required
  • Seamless experience for the end-user

Seald for collaborative work


Data is encrypted only for authorized users of the application, without any intermediaries being able to decrypt. This ensures confidentiality even in the worst case scenario: in case of a data breach.


The data security provided by Seald is embedded within the application, making it transparent to the user with unchanged UX and performance.


Seald is the only CSPN-certified solution in Europe to integrate end-to-end encryption into an application.


Related use cases

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The only end-to-end encryption SDK certified in France

This certification attests that the Seald SDK is a robust product with regards to the cryptographic issues at stake and that it has been implemented correctly.

Are your users
exchanging sensitive data?

With Seald, integrate end-to-end encryption on the data exchanged in your application, to ensure your users have maximum security on their work.

import SealdSDK from '@seald-io/sdk'

// Initialize the SDK
const seald = SealdSDK({ apiURL, appId })
// Create your Seald identity
await seald.initiateIdentity({ signupJWT })
// Encrypt a message for another user
const encryptedMessage = await seald.encryptMessage(
  'Super secret message',
   { userIds: ['BOB_002'] }

// And *voilà*!
const message = await seald.decryptMessage(encryptedMessage)